Feb 2012

Airliner Orville meets practically perfect Mary

Would you select United Airlines or Mary Poppins for your transatlantic flight? How many Q-Tip cotton balls does it take to stuff a pillow? Is red the only color needed to produce modern art? 


hatter paints three pairs of pants

Can a (mad) Santa Fe hatter sell Dan a beaver felt cowboy hat? Is an Ecuadorian-made Panama hat an economical alternative? How does Darius outsmart the (excess) baggage police? Why do honeybees love Nazy’s watercolors? Read More...

socks of distinction create websites of wonderment

Did Dan start a fashion trend? Who has the predictive power of George Custer and the patience of a great white shark eying an injured sea lion? Can the words be pressed or should they be rapidly weavered? Read More...


Can the European Deep Freeze solidify Nazy’s water-colors?  Will the vigilant Ms. Rule-Stickler discombobulate Darius? Who’s leading in the race for clown endorsements? Read More...